Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!!

I was looking back on my projects made this year and surprised there was more than I thought.  I made up a few collage pics here.  

I dug out my 50 shades of grey ripple blanket.  As you can see my suck wanted some attention.  Running out of yarn for this one.  I manged to get some of the variegated from a friend but went to Michael's for more black white and grey, SOLD OUT. I guess that was due to the sale of this Charisma yarn. 

Oh, my Etsy purchase came in the mail this week.  Love them, sock monkey gloves. Texting gloves that is. 

I am still working on knitting my scarf, other ripple blanket and giant granny square. I found a pattern to make it into a purse.  Just have to find some round handles. 

Has anyone made New Years resolutions.  I have, lose weight.  Typical resolution.  But, this time I really have to do it. I don't want health issues early like my mom.  My knees are too sore.  So I joined weight watchers after seeing the numerous commercials. It worked for a co-worker.  Crossing fingers.   


Taci simmons said... looks like you worked hard last year! Good job.