Well this week is a bit of a pain, literally. Jaw pain, random shooting around right side of mouth pain into the ear. I went to the clinic today just to check it wasn't an ear infection. Nope, but he gave me anti-inflammatory. So onto the dentist as soon as I can. Most likely TMJ.
Hmm, what can these colours be for? The makings of yet another project? I am on a mission to use up the stash. If that means having 10 + projects on the go, so be it. I am wonder woman!!!
And here's the Grey Ripple Blanket.
Here's my E-bay acquirement of buttons. Gotta love E-bay for supplies. Even with shipping, and some small items like these you can get free shipping, you couldn't find such things just at any store.
And to my friend who mentioned buttons for her project, let me know if you like any to use.
My cousin came by on the weekend and brought some yarn and such of hers she was getting rid of. Funny how people know you're a yarny loon and they like to bring their stuff they don't need anymore. Fine by me. LOL
And I find a new Android app. Keep Calm app. The left picture is made with it. You can change your icon, font, colour background etc. Just not the saying. Still fun to play with. And for the one on the right, a co-worker thought I'd like it, as I keep a "Keep Calm and Crochet On" sign on my desk at work.
LOL, love the way Yoda talks.